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Your SPORT! Your GOAL! Your PLAN!


The benefits of participating in ELITEadp during the school day is that it allows the students the time to focus on their academics and balance the time spent between home, school, and extra-curricular activites.  Our aim is to create a challenging and supportive learning environment where instructors, coaches and students work together with the goal of achieving academic and athletic excellence. ELITEadp nurture...


  • students’ individual athletic talents,

  • help them understand the complexities of the sport, and

  • teach them to commit to dedicated training in order to excel.  


ELITEadp will monitor student progress by upholding high standards academically and athletically.  Students will complete academic requirements and sport-specific training during the regular classroom schedule.  



Athletic Assessment:

Students’ skills and fitness levels are continually monitored. Student assessment and evaluation will be ongoing throughout the year.  Each evaluative tool will comprise both individual self-assessment by the student-athlete themselves.  Instructors will plan their lessons and sessions based on the on-going needs or progress of the students using the periodization schedule of their sport.  

Evaluation tools will be broken down into several components.  Fitness Testing, Seminar Summaries, Program Journals, Completion of Fitness Plans, and Goal Setting.  Students are encouraged to be consistent in areas such as focus, work ethic, and attitude during all training sessions. Within the classroom component, students are monitored and assessed as they are encouraged to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of key topics, submit quality class and homework assignments, display excellent overall effort and cooperate well with their peers.


The first step toward achieving REAL gains in performance training begins with an accurate assessment of our student-athlete’s physical ability and condition. It helps us understand the athlete’s current ability, as well as measure the effectiveness of our training on an on-going basis. The Assessment helps us understand how the athlete is responding to the specific training, and helps our parents see the performance gains.




Academics for Athletes:  

Registered ELITEadp student-athletes at Walnut Grove Secondary may take part in several athletic programs in the community and high school environments.  What sets this program apart is that student-athletes will benefit from our flexible school schedules, meeting both their academic and athletic needs. Whether they are looking to study and train in school or simply looking to complete high school, ELITEadp is the total athletic development program.


This program recognizes that students-athletes pursuing a goal in elite sports have specific training and schedule requirements that require flexibility. Small classroom settings, flexible schedules, and exceptional teachers ensure that all students receive the personalized attention and support they need to succeed academically.


ELITEadp will work around the student-athletes competitive schedule.  We have developed two programs that integrate advanced sports training with academic study.  





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