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The ELITEadp has a limited enrollment capacity.  As a result, interested students will have to meet certain criteria and go through an application process.  Application forms are available online.  If you have any other questions, feel free send me an email using the form below.  



Step 1: Student Application Forms (5 Stages).  Please make sure each component is completed.  Only completed applications will be reviewed and accepted.  *Application deadline is February 23, 2017.


Step 2: Review of applicants will take place. (February 23 - April 15, 2017)


Step 3: Email sent to accepted students. (April 15, 2017)


Step 4: Pre-Meetings (1-on-1). Accepted student-athletes will set up a 1-on-1 meeting with the ELITEadp Program Director, Mr. Tupper or Porgram Instructor, Mr. Salter to get to know one another and to set up tentative plans for September intake. (April & May, 2017)


Step 5: Letters to parents and team coaches informing them of student-athletes enrollment in ELITEadp. (June 1, 2017)

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